I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. (John 3:3) If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. (II Corinthians 5:17)
Every Thursday, out to the curb goes everything thats recyclablecrushed aluminum cans, flattened cereal boxes, mashed milk jugs, newspapers and other assorted stuff. In Austin, Texas, recycling is an idea whos time has come. The truck comes through our neighborhoods every week and picks up much of the stuff we used to toss mindlessly into the trash. Its the right thing to do. As Christians we should do our part to be good managers of Gods creation.
Almost everybody is into recycling, even fast food restuaraunts. Confidentially, I have this theory, and I hesitate to mention itbut I believe that rice cakes are actually recycled surplus Big Mac Styrofoam containers. But Ill drop it right there. We dont need another conspiracy theory.
Seriously, God was in the people-recycling business long before the word recycle hit the dictionary.
We see this process best in the life and work of Jesus. Look at all the used-up, burned-out, wrecked lives he picked up off the trash heap and put back into circulation. Theres the adulterous woman in John 8, lepers, the demon-driven, and no-count tax collectors, to name a few. Jesus took people that everybody else (even their families) had written off, put them back on their feet, forgave them, cleaned them up and gave them new lives. He didnt call conversion being born again for nothing. He was talking about the ultimate recycling.
And now every time the Gospel is spoken Good News spreadsthat God recycles people. As Christians, we can start the process everywhere we go. In fact we might see the people we know and work with in a different light if we could just imagine the word recyclable stamped on their foreheads.
So lets do our partget the Good News out, recycle. Make our world a cleaner, better place in which to live.
Dear Father, help us to see others through Jesus eyes. Help us to see that you can take sinnersreal sinnersand recycle them. My we today reach out to one person with the Good News, that you can give everyone a fresh start, a new birth into your kingdom. In the name of the one who died to give everyone new life. Let it be so.