Lisa Pierce, who did a 31 year long study of over 800 families, wrote that mothers who see religion as important have a better, happier relationship with their young adult children than mothers who place no importance on religious life. She said that the more important religion is to a mother, the higher the quality of relationship she has with her son or daughter.
Whatever one may think about a deep, abiding faith, it does emphasize strong families, and it does motivate parents to work harder at developing a positive bond with their kids.
So the research maikes sense, doesnt it? And of course, the Bible has always made sense. Take a closer look at the blessings that following the Lord brings to your life.
HEARTLIGHT(R) Magazine is a ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Edited by Phil Ware and Paul Lee.
Article copyright © 1995-96, Dr. Paul Faulkner. Produced by Ambassador Advertising Agency.
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