- In Sickness as in Health by Norman Bales
- Of course, that's easier said than done.
- Running Red Lights by Rubel Shelly
- Don't ignore the warning signs.
- The Belfast Ropeworks by Jim McGuiggan
- Confront your fear.
- Malice by Dennis Downing
- Get rid of it!
- Finding and Pursuing Success by Larry Davies
- What is it? How do we get it?
- We'd Let Him in, Wouldn't We? by Jim McGuiggan
- The transforming power of Jesus.
- Becoming What We Behold by Rick Brown
- Gaze at the Face.
- My Mother Played the Piano by John William Smith
- It wouldn't cost us much, would it?
- An Uneasy Truce by Leslie A. Turvey
- Never is a very long time.
- The Victorious Defeat by Dennis Downing & Randal Mattheny
- Sometimes we have to lose to win.
- To Her Alone by David Smith
- Be faithful to your own wife...
- Why Me, Lord? by Randal Matheny
- Look at things a little differently.
- Childlike by George McKinsey Robinson
- See things from their perspective.
- Seeking the Ultimate Adventure by Phil Ware and Randy Becton
- What are you seeking?
- It Stops Here by Phil Ware and Elna Vanderberg
- Anger, rage and abuse are serious problems.
- There When a Daddy Cant Be by Phil Ware
- Thank God for his ministering spirits!
- The Kiss of the Week by Michael Webb
- Sounds fun, let's try it!
- Fathers in the Fast Lane by Lynn Anderson
- Learn from Davids mistakes.
- Just One to Tell! by Sergeant Randy Ricard
- The story of three answered prayers.
- Blueprint for a Men's Ministry by Ron Rose
- Some ideas you can use to build an effective ministry.
- Men and the Struggle for Purity by Mike Cope
- God calls for it, we struggle for it.
- Mens Ministry by Ron Rose
- Why men? Why now?
- Winning Over Anger by Charles R. Swindoll
- Tackle this problem God's way.
- The Mans Man by John McPherson/Phil Ware
- Real men are men of God.
- Game Plan by Bob Buford
- Youve got to have one.
- Our Real Job as Men by Randy Becton
- Wake up, reevaluate, and recommit.
- Conflicting Agendas and a Heart of Love by Phil Ware
- What a special gift!
- Dear Dad by Anonymous
- The letter we all hope for.
- Successful Parenting by Dr. Bob Barnes
- How do we know what we're doing is working? Somebody help!
- If You're a Dad, You Matter
One Way or Another by Larry James
- Put as much committment into your kids as you do your work. No
- An Ounce of Prevention! by Mike Cope
- Be on guard!
HEARTLIGHT(sm) Magazine is a ministry of loving Christians and the Westover
Hills church of Christ.
HEARTLIGHT and the flared heart design are service marks of Heartlight, Inc.
Copyright © 1997, Heartlight, Inc., 8332 Mesa Drive,
Austin, TX 78759.
Edited by Phil Ware and Paul Lee.
Copyright © 1997, Heartlight, Inc., 8332 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759.
May be reprinted and reused for non-commercial purposes only if copyright credits are appropriately displayed.