At times, the stress of nonstop activity can push a family to the
breaking point. Life's twisters may have slammed into your marriage.
What can you do?
You hear the sound of an oncoming locomotive. The sky seems blacker
than night. Impending danger is near. The wind whips in and begins to
carry off everything you own. Those are the opening words of the book,
Marriage in the Whirlwind by Bill and Pam Farrel. They use the
imagery of a tornado to describe how some marriages feel when caught in
the swirl of an overextended lifestyle.
They finally said no to the madness. Theyve now written a book to help
couples exchange the fast track for a more sane lifestyle. right now
YOU may feel worn down by a hectic, out of control pace. How will you
survive the storm?
The Farrels suggest a place to start: a marriage mission statement.
Theyve purposed to make their home an oasis where guests could see
Christ at work in their family. Where people are valued above things.
Children are raised to know Christ and commit themselves to the Great
What a great place to start! I pray youll slow down long enough to
evaluate your marriage and dedicate it to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
He alone can restore order and purpose to a stressed out life.