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We Are Thankful for You!, by Heartlight Team Of God's many blessings, you are some of the most special to us! The Paraclete, by Max Lucado The Spirit is a person. And Jesus calls him the Paraclete. On the Life and Passing of Anthony Bourdain, by Grant Rampy I am more grateful than ever for my comparably simple station, one that allows me both quiet time at home and the opportunity to travel — to enjoy both friends and strangers. Posers and Pretenders, by Ron Rose We are all damaged and divided, and there seems to be a whole bunch of us who've become professional pretenders and posers, desperately seeking to be little tin gods who want to be in charge. Look Who Made the List!, by Ron Rose I want to live, so His story is compelling and inviting... I want to live worthy of the cost and to never forget... Is Anything Sacred?, by Max Lucado Like speedbumps and curbs, these acts of holiness are meant to slow us down and keep us on the road. God-skin!, by Ron Rose Without hesitation, no warm-up required, she told her story of betrayal and rejection. Be an Agent of Happiness, by Max Lucado The people in our world can be moody, fickle, and stubborn and Jesus wants us to bring joy to them! My One Thing!, by Ron Rose The God who invented time is right here with me—in the room. Sometimes I have to take a deep breath to remember that. You Will Get Through This!, by Max Lucado Life is hard, but God is great at helping us get THROUGH life's toughest challenges and will never abandone us! You Got Graced, Man!, by Ron Rose I had heard of grace before, but on that day I was in the middle of it. Tired but not Done, by Tom Norvell I acknowledge that my complaints prevent me from doing the good that God placed me here to do. Jesus Comes in the Storms, by Max Lucado Do you feel too far from the shore, too long in the struggle, and too small against the waves, with Jesus is nowhere to be seen. Surprises and Smiles, by Ron Rose At this point in life, I take each surprise as a God thing, a lesson to learn, and a reason to smile! Red to Honor, White to Remember, by Phillip Morrison What will you do to remember and honor your mother? Nothing to Prove, by Max Lucado Satan will tempt us to prove our importance just like he tempted Jesus. Much More than a Day Fishing, by Ron Rose Stories reveal our insides, and on that day, Brook got a rare glimpse inside his dad... and he liked it! Key Resources for Resurrection Sunday, by Phil Ware That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched. Amazing Love!, by Byron Ware Jesus died in the place of Barabbas. More importantly, Jesus died for you and me. The Easter Corsage, by Ron Rose It was 'different' — colorful and carefully glued together, all made out of pieces of construction paper, using an old pearl pin as its base. Our 'NUT Stories' Keep Us Alive, by Ron Rose We all have stories that are yet to be told, I call them our 'NUT Collection' — stories about where we've been and what we've done back in the day. Give Him What You Have, by Max Lucado You know the paralyzing fear that surfaces when the information is too much to learn, the change is too great to make, the grief is too deep to survive, or the crowd is too numerous to feed. Willing 2-B-Crucibled, by Ron Rose Ever notice that the most challenging madness happens right on the border of the Promised Land? God Resists the Proud, by Max Lucado Pride comes at a high price, my friend. Don’t pay it. Learning About Life in the Middle of Death?, by Ron Rose He just stared for a moment, then reached up, kissed the forehead, and touched the hand of the women in the casket. Is God Listening to My Prayers?, by Bill Sherrill Prayer that the Father hears is directed to him in faith with an unselfish attitude, seeking to bless and honor God's will because of our love for the Father. Hope: More than Wishing, It's Expecting!, by Ron Rose God is in the room and has placed hope on a buffet platter right here, right now. Christ's Birth, the Cross, and His Coming in the Talmud?, by Lee Wilson Did God place an anticipatory hint in Jewish expectation in the Talmud that Jesus fulfilled at his birth and will complete with his return in glory? God of Fresh Starts, by Max Lucado Hope is an olive leaf — evidence of dry land after a flood. Blessed Thanksgiving!, by Heartlight Team The prayers of the Heartlight.org and VerseoftheDay.com team pray that you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Sometimes, God Takes His Time!, by Max Lucado Life feels like it is in slow motion when are waiting for the bad seasons to end and God's new fresh life awakens to redeem and refresh our weary souls. Imagined Fears?, by Ron Rose Fears are often more what we imagine than what is real! Stand Up!, by Max Lucado Jesus sees you, my friend, and he has a new version of you waiting to happen. Our Weakness, God's Power, by Max Lucado They laugh because they have given up hope, and hope born anew is always funny before it is real. Disoriented to Be Recalibrated, by Ron Rose His hands were fiddling with his watch the whole time. He had taken it off and seemed to be trying to get it to wake up, to get it unstuck. Helping Immigrants & Refugees Get Involved with a Spiritual Group, by Rhonda Underhill These displaced people need to discover Jesus' love and the love of his people. Remembering, by Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21) Resist and Obey!, by Max Lucado Decide now to choose obedience and resist the devil and invite the LORD to help you win your victory over the evil one! Three Easy Ways To Help Service Members in Your Community, by Rhonda Underhill Living in a civilian world after being in service can be a tough transition, but with support from their community and friends like you, a service member's life can be much easier to navigate. Our Brutal World, by Max Lucado Life is a dangerous endeavor. We pass our days in the shadows of ominous realities. There in the Deep End, by Ron Rose Yesterday, in practice, she was the only one who did it. Why was she so afraid today? Inheritance Day, by Philip Gulley Melancholy or anticipation? We are part of a great cycle of inheriting from our grandparents and parents as well as passing on to our children and grandchildren Beyond Chapter and Verse, by Jordan Harrell & Phil Ware Have we missed the joy of our Father and the party he longs to throw for all of us who love him and give up all to follow Jesus? Give Your Fears to the Father, by Max Lucado How remarkable that Jesus felt such fear. But how kind that he told us about it. What Is Our Blindspot?, by Jordan Harrell Since it's a blind spot, no matter how hard you try you can't see what you should be seeing. Almost Persuaded?, by Paul Faulkner Why do we put off our commitment to truly follow Jesus? Wearing Jesus, by Max Lucado Are you letting this Garment set your style? Twenty-five: A Quarter Century of Grace, by Phil Ware The Lord is not finished surprising us with His grace and power if we live for His purposes. Thank You!, by Phil Ware Our prayer time with our brothers and sisters from around the world is just a foretaste of glory! Bringing God's Grace through Love and Prayer, by Phil Ware Prayer is a holy moment. We invite the eternal and divine grace of God to invade our hearts and change our lives and the lives of those we love. Healing and Health for Our Broken World, by Phil Ware One of the important areas of our focus for our shared hour of prayer is the healing and health of our world and the people in our world. Exalting Jesus as Savior and Lord, by Phil Ware Simple spiritual moves of faith can become divine appointments that change the world! With Arms Uplifted and On Our Knees, by Phil Ware God is faithful to us through all the seasons of our lives. He isn't a fair-weather God. New Year with New Hope, by Phil Ware Imagine if we all came together at the same time and prayed for God to intervene and help us overcome our world's problems! Donny, Marie, and LeBron: Real People, Real Words, by Michael DeCamp We actually exchanged real words with both of them. It was amazing. Would you believe that they are both real living, breathing human beings? Beyond Our Impatience, Loneliness, and Fear, by Max Lucado What if loneliness has an invitation for a great discovery about God? Crown Him!, by Glenn McDonald Followers of the Prince of Peace aren't necessarily skilled at experiencing peace with people who cherish different opinions about important matters. His Peace, by Tom Norvell There have been many times in my life that I believed I would only find peace when... Our Chorus is the Gospel, by Patrick D. Odum 'The verses are the blues, the chorus is the gospel.' In the Hands of the Potter, by Tom Norvell God is the potter. He created us, taking us from an idea to what He imagined we could be, then shaping us into something beautiful. Merry Christmas, by Heartlight Team Here's the Heartlight.org and VerseoftheDay.com Christmas card for 2019. For the Unseen Heroes, by Tom Norvell How do they do it? I see them, am amazed by them, and want to be more like them. Shape Your Worries into Prayer, by Tom Norvell In those times of restlessness and anxiety, where do we turn for relief? He Wept!, by Tom Norvell When Jesus arrived, Lazarus’s sisters were grieving and disappointed. Glow in the Dark Spiders, by Jordan Harrell Inevitably, the darkness will weigh on them, exhaust them, and feel altogether overwhelming to them. Then, they can come to the light to re-charge, but they can't glow in the light! Christmas Ends Where It Begins, by Phillip Morrison 12 days of Christmas are not about calling birds and lords a leaping, but about an extended celebration of Christmas. Little Miracles, by Dennis Downing How a bunch of poor, but precious homeless people minister to their minister in Brazil. Lead with Gentleness, by Tom Norvell In a society where parents are overwhelmed, overbooked, overworked, and overstressed, I can be a voice of gentleness! A Time for Giving Thanks!, by Phil Ware On this day when many pause with their families to give thanks to God, let’s remember what the LORD God has done to bless us! Your Part Is to Trust, by Max Lucado Don’t believe the voice in your head that says that it’s up to you to do it or to overcome it. Living Simply?, by Tom Norvell The call to live simply and with contentment is not easy. I am not there, but I’m trying. God Is Not Surprised!, by Tom Norvell No matter where I go or what happens, God is not surprised, and He will not abandon His own! His Words, Your Community, by Tom Norvell It always brought tears to her eyes when she thought of the first part of Genesis. God's Providence? Perhaps!, by Steve Higginbotham Is this any less amazing than Paul’s unlikely meeting with Onesimus? A Tabulated List of Grace, by Max Lucado Registered forgiveness! No humiliation! No shame! Creation Speaks, by Jackie Halstead, Ph.D. If we are willing, and if we allow ourselves the space to listen, God’s voice surrounds us. I Will Cling to the Old Rugged Cross, by Phillip Morrison Like him, and because of him, we live and die to live again. More Deadly than Cancer, by Bill Sherrill We fool ourselves into discounting the malignant threat of sin to our souls. Breaking Through the Clouds, by Tom Norvell If you find that you are surrounded by dark clouds and wonder if you will ever break through, keep believing. Life Happens!, by Brian McCutchen No one is exempt from life’s challenges. Every Heart a Manger, by Max Lucado Have you invited him in? The Story of Our Savior's Birth, by Scripture Sometimes we just need to hear the familiar story told simply with fresh words. The Perfect Tree, by Max Lucado The search is on for the perfect Christmas tree! A Thanksgiving Conversation, by Tom Norvell What would a frank conversation between us and God about thankfulness look like? I Have Found the Answer!, by Tom Norvell Here's what seems to be most needed in our harsh and cruel world. On Getting What We Deserve, by Patrick D. Odum Fans sitting around him (some who had tried to make the catch themselves) berated him, threw beer and food at him, and threatened him. Resurrection Sunday!, by The Life & Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth Have you read the story lately? Another Perspective, by Byron Ware Was 2016 a hard year? So how are you going to face 2017? A Christmas Invitation You Don't Want to Miss!, by Rick Brown Hold on to your Christmas hat, because you've received the same invitation as the shepherds! A Baby Changes..., by Rick Brown When a child enters the world, that baby changes everything for everyone involved! Something Greater to Come, by Phillip Morrison Waiting for the Lord to come and realizing that his coming is clothed in love. Christmas Can Bring Out the Best in Us!, by Brian McCutchen The challenge is to help others celebrate Jesus 365 days a year. Puppies for Sale and Hearts Open to Help, by Brian McCutchen Moving from empathy to compassionate engagement! Angels Among Us!, by Brian McCutchen You never know who a stranger is or the special person who is helping you out of an embarrassing mess! Staking God's Claim on Our Lives, by Steve Hemphill God's Word is powerful in our lives when we go public with our faith and commitment to Him! God Surrounds Us!, by Max Lucado Will I be hard like a stone or open like a sponge to the ever-nearness of God? Like Michelle!, by Brian McCutchen How do we have an infectious love of people and life that it changes us and those around us? Sitting Duck?, by Max Lucado What if loneliness has an invitation for a great discovery about God? A Spiritual MRI, by Max Lucado Can I let go of my regrets, guilt, and shame? Hurts of the Heart, by Max Lucado Is your storehouse of anger doing you any good? Are you happier? Better? More fun to be with? Where Is the Love?, by Tom Norvell Why is this one question not asked more about... everything? You Be You!, by Max Lucado Don't try to be someone else, God made you to be you for his purposes. God's Claim on You!, by Max Lucado No matter what anyone else may say about you, you are precious to your Creator! A Tiny Seed, A Tiny Deed, by Max Lucado Don't let your self-doubt rob God of His miraculous power through you! The Unspoken Source of Anxiety, by Max Lucado How can we lay down this concrete block that weighs us down and sinks our lives? Remember Your Worth, by Max Lucado You have been chosen by Christ for an eternity-long relationship! He Did It for You!, by Max Lucado Why would Jesus face all that he faced when He could have stopped it with a word? God's Masterpiece, by Max Lucado Don't view yourself as less than who God says you are! His Perpetual Presence, by Max Lucado He longs to go with you, wherever and whenever... Temptation, by Brian McCutchen In an age that has lost any sense of sin, why worry about temptation? A Plea to Fellow Believers, by Tom Norvell If you could ask your fellow believers one thing, what would that be? Ready for Anything That Comes, by Phillip Morrison Here is someone whose faith has stood the test of time and continues to display that faith in the face of great challenges. YOU Matter to God, by Brian McCutchen Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we matter. The Hard Process of Healing, by Max Lucado Why do I have to do something this hard? Don't Settle for a Small Destiny, by Max Lucado What do we let define us, call or catastrophe? You Will Get Through This!, by Max Lucado Life is hard, but God is great at helping us get THROUGH life's toughest challenges! Our Healing Strength, by Phillip Morrison How do we look beyond the horizon of our own earth-bound circumstances? His Hands Will Touch You, Too!, by Max Lucado When you see this man, who do you see? The Parable of the Birds, by Phillip Morrison This white Christmas revels more than a snowman. Good News for Christmas, by Rick Brown In the dark night of the soul or caught in the foggy haze of confusion, is there good news for me? Your Invitation to a Year with Jesus, by Phil Ware Spend a year journeying through the New Testament with Jesus. A Call Has Been Made on My Life, by Phillip Morrison Dr. Kent Brantly and how to help. Sometimes There Are No Answers, by Tom Norvell What do you do when you can't figure out the answer? A Saved Life, by Brian McCutchen Have you seen someone pass from death to life? Easter Clothes, by Rick Brown What kind of clothes did Jesus wear that first Easter Sunday. More than a Gamble over Clothes, by Phil Ware Is there a higher gamble that one can make in life? Sweet Redemption, by Phillip Morrison What does it mean to really be redeemed? Broken Things, by Russ Lawson What good are things when they are broken? Life Among the Outcasts, by Rubel Shelly Where does your church meet? Worship Is a Lifestyle, by Brian McCutchen It's not a Sunday morning deal we make with God! Who Can We Trust?, by Tom Norvell In a world of deception, spin, and verbal hedging, is there anyone we can trust? Losing the Hidden Weight in 2014, by Ron Rose What are you carrying around unnecessarily in your hidden weight? A Gift Worth Re-gifting?, by Tom Norvell Is there really a Christmas gift worth regifting? Be Careful with this Gift!, by Rick Brown What gift at Christmas can get you in the most trouble? That Star?, by Patrick D. Odum Is this really the Christmas star? Exchanging Your Christmas Dream for a Bigger One, by Rick Brown Does God really have a bigger dream for you than He gave Joseph and Mary? Forgiveness, by Phillip Morrison Why would they let the person responsible for their son's death off the hook? Silence at Christmas to Listen, by Rick Brown If we listen, it is not so silent a night at Christmas! Consecrated?, by Patrick D. Odum Black Friday a part of Thanksgiving, really? The Rabbi's Nudge about Thanksgiving, by Rick Brown So can we learn to be more thankful? This Treasure Is up for Grabs, by Ron Rose Treasure among all the garbage? Illness, My Teacher, by Jackie Halstead, Ph.D. Can anything good come from being sick? Blessed Assurance, by Phillip Morrison Where is your certainty found? Practice the Wine of Kindness, by Rick Brown What would you have done with the jugs of water? God's Redeeming Love!, by Brian McCutchen We must never forget God's most consistent message to each of us! Fighting Terror, by David Capes Will technology be the difference? Help?, by Phil Ware Do we notice or care? You Were Born to be You!, by Tom Norvell Why are you here? What is your purpose? Can you know? So Glad God Doesn't Require a Smartphone, by Max Lucado Which smartphone does God require of us? I've Been Wanting to Talk to You, by Phillip Morrison Been talking to anyone about the Lord lately? Willing!, by Patrick D. Odum If you are willing and able, Jesus can make you clean? Influence: Not a Church Word!, by Ron Rose Can we really start over? When Did God Change?, by Brian McCutchen Is it me, or has God changed his opinion on grace? You'd Do It All Again, by Max Lucado Why pay such a high price and take such a big risk? Check Your Assumptions, by Ron Rose Why trust in a God we cannot see and seems to never do us any miracles? What's Keeping You from Joining the Party, by Rick Brown Have you missed the story about the other son? A Light to Bring You Safely Home, by Larry Davies Can we be delivered from our darkness. Protective Covering?, by Tom Norvell What's clouding your vision? Stop by the Lobby and See My Underwear!, by Phillip Morrison What a strange way to get folks to a display on Memorial Day! In Need of a Transplant, by Rick Brown What does the doctor hear when he hears your heartbeat? It's just a little Thing... not Really!, by Tom Norvell When are little things not little things -- most of the time! Getting It Wrong, by Russ Lawson Come on, now, 'fess up to the truth -- it's liberating! Prayer: Warrior or Weakling?, by Rick Brown Does prayer feel like sand getting kicked in your face? Knowing Your Role in the Game of Life, by Rick Brown What position are you trying to play in life's big game? A Cry from the Hills of Judea, by Bill Sherrill What could change everything? Standing on the Edge of a new Adventure, by Ron Rose What does God have in store for this New Year? Looking for Jesus at Christmas, by Rick Brown Whatever happened to the reason for the season? Stealth Listening, by Ron Rose Listening is essential for the miracle to happen! Learning to Live the Life God Blesses, by Rick Brown So how does this all fit with prayer? Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?, by Ron Rose What happened to Jesus' promise? Powerless?, by Tom Norvell What do you do when you don't have the strength to do the next thing? Up!, by Rick Brown Haven't you stayed down long enough? Outlive Yourself, by Steve Higginbotham Andy and Barney will live on in our memories for a long time! Only a Moment Away from a Miracle?, by Rick Brown What happens when we invite Jesus into our messes and offer him what we have? Be Strong and Courageous, by Tom Norvell No matter what you are facing, God has a message for you! Which Kind Are You?, by Thom Lemmons Are there really two kinds? Did You Learn This in Sunday School?, by Ron Rose How about this for the discovery of all life has for you? Creating a Movement, by Rick Brown How in the world did they do this? Take No Thought?, by Tom Norvell So what are we supposed to think about if not this? Be a Neighbor this Week!, by Rick Brown Who will you show God's love today? Bribery, Cursing, and Lying, by Brian McCutchen What do you see around Jesus? The Ember, by Russ Lawson Will you let the fire go out? The Core Necessity of Faith, by Ron Rose Are you ready for the leap from the lion's head? Scuba-Posers and Jesus-Followers, by Rick Brown Tired of sitting on the dock? Then jump in! Father, Your Servant Is Listening, by Tom Norvell How will I get everything done on my to do list? FUD, by Russ Lawson These three lurk in the shadows seeking to derail us and do us in. Change in the Wind, by Ron Rose How will you face the winds of change? What You Need to Move Ahead, by Rick Brown Does the New Year already seem like an old one? A Manger, A Cross, and an Empty Tomb, by Bill Sherrill How could it happen like this? When You're an Old Coot, by Russ Lawson Some negative descriptions actually may be good! Thankful for the Mercies, by Rick Brown Here's something you don't want to forget at the table of thanks today! The Secret Reason for Thanksgiving, by Ron Rose The surprise of finding joy in tough places! Good News for Our Broken World, by Brian McCutchen What hope is left when life is shattered? More Than Religious Jargon, by Ron Rose Come on now, let's really glorify God! Tired of the Ugliness?, by Ron Rose We have some choices, so what will we choose? An Expiry Date, by Russ Lawson So what is yours? Leaving the Classroom and Living the Life, by Rick Brown Sooner or later, we have to leave school and start living what we know! The Home Stretch, by Tom Norvell Make that last effort to make it home! Treasure Hunters, by Patrick D. Odum What are you searching for? He Did Not Retaliate, by Tom Norvell How did he hold back his power? Got a Problem with God?, by Ron Rose Are you willing to find some answers? Finding Help When Devastation Hits, by Rick Brown What does this have to do with Phil Campbell Spiritual Zombies, by Ron Rose Isn't it time to live -- I mean, really be alive! We Need Rest, by Tom Norvell Don't you sense this need? A Day for Thanks and Prayer, by Scripture What does freedom mean? Remembering, by Biblical Reflections Every sacrifice matters, that's why he came! So What Do You Collect?, by Ron Rose Everyone collects something, why not fingerprints left by God? The Face of Jesus, by Brian McCutchen What does Jesus look like? Unchanging, by Pasquale R. Mingarelli In the world of chaotic change, is there anything predictable and dependable? 10 Things to Do with Elevator Time, by Ron Rose Have you ever redeemed your time on an elevator? Come with Me!, by Tom Norvell Is there any way to step off the treadmill a minute? The One Another Passages, by The Scriptures We can't make it without each other! I Love You, by God What is the greatest Valentine you have ever received? A Dry Time, by Tom Norvell Who around you needs more than just a drink? Committed or Comfortable?, by Rick Brown What do we need to get us to stretch out a bit? A Walk with Our Shepherd, by Anonymous What does it really mean for us? Sometimes Some Things Don't Change, by Tom Norvell What do you do when you don't know what to do? Beyond Understanding, by Bill Sherrill What do you do with what you cannot fully fathom? Trust?, by Patrick D. Odum I'm not sure I'm that trusting: are you? Has Thanksgiving Been Co-opted?, by Ron Rose We should give thanks? Feast or Fear? Pushing Past Our Fear with Faith and Perseverance, by Pasquale R. Mingarelli Why not take the high way to feasting? A Small Man, a Big Day, by Patrick D. Odum Who would have thought he would be out on a limb? How Would You Draw Your Face?, by Bill Sherrill Do you have a long face? True Peace, by Bill Sherrill Do you have the God who is there through everything? Time for a Wilderness Calling, by Ron Rose Can you handle this truth? Old Spice Evangelism, by Patrick D. Odum How do you reach everyone with so many different tastes? An Encouraging Place?, by Brian McCutchen So why do we get together, anyway? Mental Block?, by Ron Rose Do you have a mental block or are you just locked in a box? Beauty in Black and White, by Pasquale R. Mingarelli Can you see the beauty here? Getting a Firm Grip, by Russ Lawson Are you holding on to God? The Conversation that Changes Lives, by Ron Rose What can melt our hearts and let God find us? The Way, by Patrick D. Odum Are you just circling? No Regrets, by Mike Barres It's not too late to start today! In the Good Hands of God, by Bill Sherrill He can do far more than our worry can ever do! An Unshakable Life, by Tom Norvell Wouldn't you put this list up on your refrigerator Renewal and Spring, by Pasquale R. Mingarelli A powerful image of renewal! The Burden & Blessing of Prayer, by Tom Norvell A hard night leads to a great time of prayer. A Simple Phone Call, by Tom Norvell Isn't it amazing the difference one simple phone call can make? Does God Play Bingo?, by Ron Rose What is your letter? The One Another Passages, by The Scriptures We can't make it without each other! Eyes for the Unknown, by Ron Rose What's there to fear except the fear of being afraid? Look at Your Life, by Tom Norvell What are people goig to find? Delight, by Patrick D. Odum Why in the world would someone do this? The Things You Planned for Us!, by Tom Norvell What's the plan? Forgotten Kindness, Forgotten Love?, by Mike Barres When is the last time you let God know how much you love Him? Living in the Misunderstood Kingdom, by Ron Rose What would you say after the coffee shop bomb? Created to Do Good Works, by Tom Norvell Why do we have such a strong urge to do good? Solving the Big Mystery, by Ron Rose When is the last time you stared into the face of God? The God Who Sees and Cares, by Patrick D. Odum Are we ministering beyond the curse? What's Your Purpose?, by Tom Norvell Is there something more than being saved from sin? Celebrating Life!, by Phil Ware How do we truly celebrate life? What Our Lives Proclaim, by Russ Lawson What are your habits, patterns, and companions communicating to others? How Can We Best Prepare for 2010?, by Larry Davies How can we be prepared for the year ahead! A Small Step?, by Tom Norvell When's the last time you stepped out to begin, even if the step was small? The Other Nine, by Patrick D. Odum Wonder what all those other guys did? Drafting Your Thanksgiving Fantasy Team, by Ron Rose This is a team we can all be thankful for! Grace?, by Danny Sims How can we receive grace and still be so ungracious? Beyond the Clouds, by Tom Norvell Can you see beyond the storm clouds in your life Good without God?, by Patrick D. Odum So who do you need to be good? Living Abundantly, by Tom Norvell Have you found it? The Ig Nobel Awards, by Patrick D. Odum If it's not Nobel, is it ignoble? All Who Are Weary, by Tom Norvell Is there any place to get some rest? Well Done!, by Tom Norvell Don't you just love to hear the words said to you! Can You See It?, by Ron Rose Are you looking beyond the ugliness of the age to find something more? Playing Second Fiddle?, by Russ Lawson Why is it so hard to not be the one recognized? Gratitude that Costs Us Something, by Patrick D. Odum How can we be thankful without doing something significant? Wait in Expectation, by Tom Norvell How are you at your wait? Beyond that Helpless Feeling, by Tom Norvell What do you do when you can't do what needs to be done? Have You Heard these Words?, by Ron Rose Just a few words and our presence can make all the difference in the world! Action!, by Patrick D. Odum Does faith really show itself with actions? Lord, Please Hear Our Prayers, by Tom Norvell When's the last time you waited on the Lord in prayer? Cancelled Debt, by Patrick D. Odum It's not just forgiven, it's cancelled! Dead Wood Burning, by Mike Barres Are you dead enough to catch on fire? Do People Hear What Your Life Is Saying?, by Russ Lawson What is the major message of your life? Are You Weary?, by Tom Norvell Why do we begin so many weeks so tired? His Strength in My Weakness, by Tom Norvell How can weakness be our moment of greatest strength? Addicted to Legalism, by Ron Rose Are you addicted to the religious games we play? What the Dying Reveal to Us about the Trinity, by Scott Owings How can we see movement in stillness? There Is No Tomorrow, by Bill Sherrill Does it really make any difference? I'll Be Happy When?, by Russ Lawson What are you waiting for? I've Got Nothing!, by Tom Norvell What do you do when you don't feel like you have anything to offer? Always Saying the Right Thing, by Russ Lawson Is this even possible? Who Will Roll Away the Stone, by Bill Sherrill Was there any reason to expect a good Sunday? Under the Passover Moon, by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg So why did those friends of Jesus fall asleep on him? In God We Still Trust, by Russ Lawson You may not be Moses, but isn't God still God? Compliment Guys, by Patrick D. Odum Now aren't you nice!? And the Cure Is ..., by Ron Rose What can help us get over us? True Peace, by Bill Sherrill What happens after I leave the calm place? Emergency?, by Patrick D. Odum Is this really a situation that demands a 911 call? Only a Keystroke Away, by Russ Lawson Are our emails, IM's, and text messages really enough? Full Disclosure, by Mike Barres Would you have come clean? Dibs, by Patrick D. Odum Where are you going to park in Chicago anyway? From 'Now What?' to 'What's Next?', by Ron Rose Why do we keep getting up? Get Our Hopes Up, by Tom Norvell How do we find the bright lining in the dark clouds? God Has a Plan for Us, by Tom Norvell Where do you fit into God's plan? The Ally of God's Grace, by Bill Denton When's the last time you heard a call for real life change? Sawdust and Two-by-Fours, by Patrick D. Odum What are we overlooking in ourselves to criticize others? In Christ, by Patrick D. Odum God does the unthinkable to bless us immeasurably, in Christ! That He Might Be Glorified, by Donna Riggs How can such a disaster be a time for glorifying God? Wake Up Call, by Russ Lawson Are we awake or have we chosen to fall asleep? Air Traffic Controller, by Tom Norvell How will we make it through? Because We Are Human, by Tom Norvell What is the purpose of God sending Jesus? Don't Let the Grass Grow Here!, by Danny Sims Where does your private path lead? Sell Your Soul?, by Teresa Bell Kindred I didn't know there was anything you couldn't sell on eBay? Having a Merry Christmas?, by Tony Thompson So is it really merry and bright? Room at the Manger, by Patrick D. Odum Have you seen His star? Baby. God., by Danny Sims A different, staccato take on the whole event! It's Almost Time ..., by Tom Norvell Are you ready for the big day to arrive? Be Not Afraid, by Russ Lawson How can we not be afraid in times like this? A Step, by Tom Norvell Remember, it is a beginning! How Less Becomes More, by Rubel Shelly How in the world does having less mean having more? Brother, Can You Spare a Light, by Bill Sherrill Don't curse the darkness, but light a candle! Out of the Box Christmas, by Phil Ware How do you make Christmas more what it's really for? The Lord Is Gracious, by Tom Norvell How loving and rich and gracious is our God? Communifaking, by Bill Denton Are you telling it straight with God, or bending the truth a little? The Lord Is Faithful, by Tom Norvell Can you depend upon anyone any more? A Matter of Perspective, by Bill Sherrill What is your point of view? Here I Am, Please Send Someone Else, by Mike Barres How do we face down our own inadequacies for the challenges we face? The Lord Is Great!, by Tom Norvell Have you told other generations this glorious truth? The Least I Can Do?, by Rob Woodfin How do we move beyond election partisanship to moral change? A Prayer for My Words, by Tom Norvell What's going to come out of our mouths next? If the Lord Kept Records, by Tom Norvell Aren't you glad God forgives? Our Eyes Look to the Lord, by Tom Norvell Where can you go in times like this? Things Jesus Might Say!, by Danny Sims When the Dow swings nearly 1,000 points in a day, what would Jesus say? A Little Spunk Needed?, by Rob Frazier Isn't this what we need instead of hand-wringing? My Help Comes from the Lord, by Tom Norvell Our help comes when we act on God's promises! Don't Lose Focus, by Mike Barres What distracts you most easily? So Who Are You Afraid Of?, by Tom Norvell How do you deal with the fear> More Than Everything, by Rob Woodfin How do you solve the unsolvable and not remain anxious? Facing Life's Uh-oh's, by Ron Rose What do you do when the problems come? Having a Human Experience, by Russ Lawson What if we approached life as if the spiritual was the most real world? Stressed Out, by Patrick D. Odum So how are you going to avoid it happening to you? Root Rot, by Mike Barres Can you get too much of a good thing? Now that the Waters Have Receded, by Phil Ware What can we do to help? A Choice, by Tom Norvell Do I really have a choice in my day? Moving Things Around, by Mike Barres Have you adjusted your schedule to reflect your priorities? We are His People!, by Tom Norvell Do we act like it? Post 9-11, Prayer, & Politics, by Phil Ware Are you ready for the bumpy ride? When You Have Lost It All, by Russ Lawson So what have you lost? Wake Up Call?, by Russ Lawson Is the alarm sounding in your life? God's Surprising Grace, by Danny Sims Can you believe we find this all over the Old Testament? Dare to Dream, by Tom Norvell Do you dare dream for the road ahead? Symbol and Reality, by Bill Sherrill Just how important is the cross as a symbol? Bent Out of Shape, by Patrick D. Odum How bent are you? Of Grasshoppers and Giants, by Russ Lawson How do we overcome our giants The Power of Human Kindness, by Rubel Shelly Can kindness really melt the heart of stone? Lord, Help Me Look Ahead, by Tom Norvell Why is it so easy to look backward instead of forward? Where Do I Go from Here?, by Tom Norvell Where can you go when there's no place left to go? The View from a Troubled Heart, by Bill Sherrill What can we really see from where we are right now? Selling Your Soul, by Patrick D. Odum So what are you really worth? The Failure of List-keeping, by Bill Denton Why do we trade our Lord in for our lists? Donkeys Kicking, Sharks Attacking, Airplanes Falling, by Russ Lawson What do donkeys, sharks, and airplanes have in common? Freed!, by Straight from the Bible A biblical reminder of our ultimate freedom. Set Free, by Tom Norvell Where can I find true freedom? Who Thanks God for This?, by Bill Sherrill How can you see so clearly when your eyes have no sight? Faith: Growing in the Right Direction, by Russ Lawson So where is your faith growing? In the Cool of the Day, by Tom Norvell Where are you trying to hide? The Frantic Pursuit of Rest, by Bill Sherrill Why does it seem to get farther away while we run faster to chase it? Very Good!, by Patrick D. Odum Can't God do any better work than human beings? The Aroma of Christ, by Tom Norvell So what do you smell like today? The Fred Factor, by Steve Higginbotham How many opportunities will you miss today? Clutter, by Larry Davies What am I supposed to do with all this mess? Honor, by Bill Denton Why would she tell the President to get his feet off her table? Living Water, by Tom Norvell Who can satisfy our parched souls? Learning from Our 'Mistaks', by Mike Barres What have you learned from your mistakes? Jesus Is the Same, by Tom Norvell Why does everything have to change all the time? Place of Quiet Rest, by Bill Sherrill Do you have such a place? Real Perseverance, by Mike Barres Do we even know what it means to truly persevere? Content with the Patriots, by Patrick D. Odum Would you wear the castoffs of the losers? The Prayers Are Ended, by Tom Norvell When it all goes in the box, how will your prayers end? Keep on Speaking, by Tom Norvell What will it take to make you back down? Quality People, by Bill Denton Who do you have in your life? East from West, by Warren Baldwin How far can our sin be gone? No Room for Death?, by Patrick D. Odum Is there room beyond the cemetery plot for you? Impossible?, by Tom Norvell Are you too young to know it is impossible? One Phone Call, by Russ Lawson Why wait to the last minute to make the call? The Question That Matters Most, by Russ Lawson What kind of questions have you been asking lately? The Center of God's Will, by Tom Norvell Is this really a safe place? Whom Shall I Fear?, by Tom Norvell What are you so worried about? The God of Power, by Bill Sherrill Do you really believe in the God of power? Trust His Timing, by Tom Norvell Don't you find it hard to wait? Human Nature?, by Russ Lawson So is our human nature really all that bad? Last Hour, by Patrick D. Odum Are you ready? Flexible Trees, by Mike Barres Can you sway without breaking or falling? Where to Find Peace?, by Tom Norvell Where do you find peace in a world as troubled as ours? Marking Time, by Russ Lawson How restless are you when things run overtime? Do You See What I See?, by Mike Barres Now that Christmas is over, can you see Jesus? Peace?, by Tom Norvell Have you found the source of peace for every season? It's Still Christmas, by Rubel Shelly Don't let go of Christmas! With Us!, by Bill Denton Where did God most clearly reveal Himself? A Jesus Sign?, by Patrick D. Odum How are your neighbors going to know? Just Beyond My Vision, by Tom Norvell As I drove along the highway on the brow of one of the mountains near us, I would occasionally look to my left catching a glimpse of the view. Every-once-in-a-while, there would be a break in the tree line and I could see for miles across the valley below Human Interface Device, by Russ Lawson Does this make sense to you? Praise the Lord, by Tom Norvell Do we have to have a special reason? They're Expecting You, by Rubel Shelly So really, why go? Falling Leaves, by Mike Barres Is death always an intrusion and a tragedy? Checking Off Boxes?, by Russ Lawson How can we move away from this demeaning habit? The Value of Small, by Tom Norvell How much do you value small things? Rest for the Weary, by Tom Norvell Where can we turn when we are worn out and discouraged? Praise the Lord Anyway, by Mike Barres How in the world can you praise the Lord at a time like this? It Won't Ever Happen to Us!, by Larry Zinck Why is it so easy for us to live in denial? A Cup of Cool Water, by Phil Ware How can we help? A Rose by Any Other Name Might Be ... Jim!, by Patrick D. Odum So what really is your name? Is It Time Yet?, by Russ Lawson Does he really act at just the right time? The Final Flight, by Russ Lawson What's your ultimate destination? The Brevity of Life, by Tom Norvell Don't the years seem to pass more quickly now? Igniting People's Passion, by Larry Davies What does it take to set your church on fire? Missing It, by Tom Norvell How badly have you missed it or messed it up? Beauty in Silence, by Rubel Shelly What can be said without words? Consider Your Words, by Tom Norvell How many words are too many words? Servin' Safari, by Patrick D. Odum Now what are we hunting on this one? Spiritually Muddled, by Mike Barres How clear is your thinking? The Comforter, by Russ Lawson Where can I find the strength and comfort I need? Do Not Lose Heart!, by Tom Norvell Some words you just have to repeat until you believe! Luxury Addiction, by Patrick D. Odum How much has your stuff become your owner? Can Words Have Authority?, by Russ Lawson Can anyone actually speak with real authority today? I Take It Back, by Tom Norvell Sometimes we wish we could put the genie back into the bottle! What Matters Most?, by Tom Norvell So what's the real gist of the problem? Beyond Herding Ducks, by Russ Lawson Sometimes being a turkey isn't so bad after all! Waiting Can Be a Blessing!, by Tom Norvell How hard is it really to wait for this? Explaining the Unexplainable, by Patrick D. Odum How can we make sense of something this awful? A Selfish Christian?, by Mike Barres Isn't this an oxymoron? Real Rest, by Tom Norvell Can you really find it? When Endings Are Complicated, God Is Still Gracious, by Ron Rose What do you do when the endings are not always happy ones? How Long, Lord?, by Tom Norvell Can you keep hanging in there? When Tragedy Strikes, by Larry Davies Where is God in the middle of these tragedies? God Is Our Hope, by Tom Norvell When you sift through the rubble, what hope do you find? Who Do You Hate?, by Bill Denton So why do we deny it instead of addressing it in our lives? How Old Do You Want To Be?, by Russ Lawson So how is your retirement plan? Bless Your Heart!, by Jane Vincenzi Whose heart are you blessing these days? The Clutter of Activity, by Jane Vincenzi Are all your activities getting in the way of your life? Closer Than You Think, by Rubel Shelly How far have you gone to find what you are looking for? WAIT!, by Mike Barres Isn't it hard to wait on anything, but especially the Lord? Everything Is Yours!, by Tom Norvell How much difference should it make in our lives to know it all is ours? Making the Best of It, by Mike Barres How do you handle hard times? Same and Different, by Rubel Shelly How are we all the same and yet all different? Life is Short, by Patrick D. Odum Is your life actually going to be very short? Seasoned with Salt, by Russ Lawson Can others tell your faith through ypur speech? Filled with Compassion, by Tom Norvell Can you wait? Avoiding the Drift, by Ron Rose Are you drifting off the mark? Dumb Questions We Ask after a Tragedy, by Rubel Shelly Why do we keep allowing people to ask these things? Laughing Jesus?, by Russ Lawson How often have you pictured Jesus laughing? Resurrection Day!, by The Life & Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth Have you read the story lately? Spring!, by Bill Sherrill Have you experienced the rebirth of life? When Does Day Begin?, by Rubel Shelly So how soon is it till dawn? The Hanging of Randal Batey, by Russ Lawson How is your perception? Betting on the Wrong Horse!, by Russ Lawson In whom or on what are you betting your life? It's About Seeing Us!, by Rubel Shelly Do you see and listen to these folks around you? A Visit Over Coffee, by Joey Cope Who was she really talking with? The Fullest Possible Way, by Tom Norvell Where do these ups and downs come from, anyway? I Was Robbed!, by Steve Higginbotham How important to you is your stuff? From the Window Seat, by Tom Norvell What can you see from where you are sitting? Happiness?, by Rubel Shelly Can we really find true happiness here? How Was Your Weekend?, by Russ Lawson So did your weekend leave you refreshed or deplete? The Jesus Filter, by Russ Lawson How do you process things these days? Not a Total Loss, by Tom Norvell How much would you have lost? In This World, by Tom Norvell Where can we find peace with what we are facing right now? Stuck at the Tracks, by Russ Lawson Is your life stuck at the light? Lord, Change Us -- Change Me!, by Tom Norvell Has God really grabbed your heart enough to change your life? Understanding What Is Really Important, by Russ Lawson Beyond Google to God? Invitations, by Bill Sherrill Will you accept this one, it's still valid! Flexible, by Mike Barres Just how much can you bend with life's strong winds? A Moment, by Tom Norvell Will you be ready when your moment comes? Seasons, by Bill Sherrill What season do you find yourself in today? Prayer for the New Year, by Tom Norvell What are you praying for this year? Jerks and the Secret of Sturdy Faith, by Larry Davies How in the world do we really overcome resentment? Gallows?, by Patrick D. Odum Why in the world would anyone keep this around in their basement? Buy Your Own Gifts!, by Alan Smith Anything in your Christmas envelope? Not Fair!, by Patrick D. Odum What do you and where do you go when life isn't fair? Make Their Journey Easier, by Mike Barres What are you doing to help those around you? Walk!, by Patrick D. Odum Can you walk this walk from now on? What Do You Expect?, by Tom Norvell How in the world are we supposed to know what God expects of us? Curing the Sin Virus, by Bill Sherrill Where in the world did those horrible computer viruses come from anyway? I Owe You the Truth, by Rubel Shelly Is there ever a time not to tell the truth? Will the Hurt Never End?, by Tom Norvell How long will all this mess last, anyway? Is Faith a Form of Pretending?, by Rubel Shelly Is our faith merely wishful thinking and make believe? Clay or Collectible, by Bill Sherrill Can we ever be more than a lump of clay or a collection of dust? Working on Your Soul, by Rubel Shelly What in the world does Ray Romano have to do with soulwork? I Need You Every Hour, by Tom Norvell Are you this desperate for God? Straight Lines with Crooked Sticks, by Rubel Shelly How in the world can you make something straight out of something crooked? HALT, by Mike Barres What do you do when you are emotionally on fire? Simple Dignity, by Rubel Shelly Sometimes the most profound grace is based on simple action. The Cool of the Day, by Bill Sherrill Have you been refreshed in the presence of the Lord lately? Hey, Clark Kent!, by Rubel Shelly Why in the world would someone want to be an umpire? I'm Full!, by Tom Norvell Are you still hungry or have you found a way to be full? A Little Lower, Please, by Rubel Shelly How good are you at your communication skills? Feeling Good about Feeling Bad?, by Mike Barres Can you actually feel good about your sorrow for sin? I Need More Stuff, by Rubel Shelly How much is enough for you? Hear the Echo?, by Larry Davies What will people hear from you? Useful, by Patrick D. Odum Do you sometimes feel useless? Your View of God, by Rubel Shelly So what do you mean when you say Take Heart!, by Tom Norvell What can you hang on to when your world is filled with troubles? The Ultimate Cop-out, by Rubel Shelly How can you explain this away so nonchalantly? Fragrance, by Patrick D. Odum What, or who, do you smell like? Upside-Down World, by Rubel Shelly Are we really seeing things all that clearly? Letter from a Thief, by Patrick D. Odum What do you do when you've truly wronged someone else? Helpless but not Hopeless, by Tom Norvell Do you sometimes feel helpless? Never the Same, by Tom Norvell Are you ready to have your life changed? When All Your Plans Come Crashing Down, by Patrick D. Odum Is this any way to propose marriage? Suffering the Consequences?, by Russ Lawson Are you tired of having to pay the piper? One Brick at a Time, by Larry Zinck How do you get everything done in life? The Fingerprints of God, by Jane Vincenzi Can you see them, they're everywhere? Who's Driving?, by Russ Lawson Who is driving your life? She Knew, by Tom Norvell What do you know about God? Looking for Answers, by Russ Lawson How in the world are you going to decide your biggest life questions? Clear Conscience, by Jeff Lee How well do you feel about where you are right now? Expanding Your Circle of Friends, by Rubel Shelly How big is your circle? No Strings Attached, by Mike Barres Will we help others in the same way that Jesus did? What Was She Thinking?, by Rubel Shelly Can you imagine what in the world these people had in mind? Class of 1966, by Katha Winther Wow, where did all these old people come from? No Longer New?, by Tom Norvell How long can you keep the newness alive? Expanding Your Circle of Friends, by Rubel Shelly Are you connected an expanding circle of friends? Take a God Break, by Russ Lawson When's the last time you shut everything down and sought to be alone with God? The Mercy Bank, by Mike Barres How well do you show genuine mercy toward those who let you down? Make a Right Judgment, by Tom Norvell Why do you want to make so many snap judgments about things? Perfectly Honest, by Steve Higginbotham Are you telling the truth ... the whole truth? Religion at Traffic Lights, by Rubel Shelly How is your worship in traffic? Simplicity and Prayer, by Bill Sherrill Why do we make things so complex? Blessed!, by Patrick D. Odum Are you lucky or just blessed? So What's the Point of the Bible?, by Danny Sims Do you really know why God gave us the Bible? A Broken Mug, by Tom Norvell What can we learn from a broken coffee cup? A Time for Every Purpose, by Steve Higginbotham What 15 is it in your life? A Lighthouse, by Larry Davies Can you see the light from where you are? Don't Forget to Vote, by Rubel Shelly So who will win the election you're voting in today? Hearing God's Call to Financial Renewal, by Sean K. Mitchell Are you ready to do what Jesus asks you to do with his money? Secrets of 'The Jesus Code', by Rubel Shelly Do you know the secrets they religious are trying to supress? Poison Ivy, by Mike Barres Are you playing with poison? Thanks for Helping, Mr. Brown, by Rubel Shelly You mean there really are some benefits from The Da Vinci Code? Impact the World!, by Rubel Shelly Want to change the world, then start here! Spirit-Filled, by Bill Sherrill Is there any other kind of Christian? Fruitcake of the Heart, by Patrick D. Odum So what are you doing holding on to that in your heart? God's Still, Small Voice, by Rubel Shelly Can you hear God in the rush of your daily grind? Address Unknown?, by Russ Lawson Can we live like we know for sure? The Blessing of the Powerless, by Tom Norvell What blessing can there be in powerlessness? Unremembered Friends, by Russ Lawson What if we actually treated everyone we meet as if they were friends? Knowing What to Say, by Tom Norvell How do you know in tough circumstances exactly what to say? Words and the Internet, by Bill Sherrill How long will what you have written actually live? The Devil Made Me Do It!, by Rubel Shelly Who are you blaming for your messes? Lord, Teach Me To Pray!, by Larry Davies Have you asked Him to help you with this important task? What if We Can?, by Danny Sims Is there any way to really reach the whole world? 10 Years, by Paul Lee Wow, where have the years really gone? Your Will Be Done, by Tom Norvell Can you really pray this every single day? Get Out of the Car!, by Ron Rose Would you have just driven on by in your car? Failure Notice, by Kathy Bailey Do you feel like your prayers bounced and came back to you? He Has No Hold on Me, by Tom Norvell Are you truly free? He Is Lord, by Mike Barres Do you want the Lord without the Lordship? What They See Is What You Really Love, by Russ Lawson What do you really love? Transparency, by Paul Faulkner How can they know your love if you don't share yourself? The Task at Hand, by Rubel Shelly How can we begin to help in a world so full of hurt? God in the Dark, by Michele Howe How do we move from self-reliance to God reliance? Making Life Count, by Johnnie Ann Burgess Gaskill What mark will your life leave on the world if you go through it unscathed? Beware of Befriending your Fears, by Rubel Shelly What is your fear keeping you from doing? What's Your Diet?, by Elizabeth Price What really is the value of food? People of Truth, by Joe Bagby Do you really KNOW the truth? Trust, by Ron Rose Will we open up and really trust him to change our story into a grace story? Empty!, by Steve Higginbotham What are you filling your tank with? A Blank Page, by Tom Norvell Where does it all start? Willing to Die, by Mike Barres How far would you go in your love and trust of the Lord? Family to Those Who Are Alone, by Bill Sherrill Are we really to be family to those who don't have family? Which Comes First?, by Rubel Shelly We must help the world know what matters most, don't we? Our Safety Net, by Russ Lawson Jesus calls us to the future, not to fear. So Why Don't We?, by Rubel Shelly Are you a person who is full of thanksgiving? Completely Honest, by Tom Norvell How honest are you? First Loves, by Bill Sherrill Why is the loss of passion for the Lord taken so lightly? Mountain on Your Right, by Jeff Lee Are you really trying to please God or yourself? Post-Traumatic Growth, by Rubel Shelly Can anything good come out of pain, stress, and hurt? Is It Really All Just So Much Talk?, by Rubel Shelly Does your faith move you beyond just talk? Right Direction and Losing Ground, by Ron Rose Does it seem like you're losing ground but working harder than ever? Learning to See, by Rubel Shelly When was the last time your really opened your eyes? From Invisible to Visible, by Rubel Shelly What really is a spiritual life? New Things, by Tom Norvell Don't give up on the New Year quite yet, God has new things in store! Resolved Today, by Joe Bagby Are you putting off those resolutions?
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