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Happy New Year!?It All Depends
Whoever first sold the notion that "happiness" should be our primary goal and consideration in life did us no great favor. Citizens of the United States of America trace their quest for happiness, as well as their sense of entitlement to the same, all the way back to the sacred words of the Declaration of Independence. You remember, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Please note the subtle difference between happiness and its pursuit. Possibly Jefferson and the other signers knew happiness could never satisfy a person quite like the daily quest for it.
Still, during this special week across the nation and around the world, people will begin and end conversations and correspondence with the encouraging phrase, "Happy New Year!" Given the disclaimer that happiness may not be the best choice of goals for the next twelve months, what can be done to make the new year happier or better for all of us? Consider these suggestions for a "better New Year."
- Don’t tailgate. I know, I know. You’re in a hurry. Your daily agenda is crammed packed. Your life is very important. But, the same is true of the person in front of you. The space between your bumper and hers is not only about safety, it is about respect. Back off. Slow down. Breathe deeply. Pushing the limits of someone else’s personal space will not make your day better or happier.
- Look for the wealth in everyone you meet or observe. Material standards of measurement mean far too much in this nation. Judging people by categories like checkbook balances, stock portfolios and brokerage reports sells people far short of their actual value. The child who attends an "underachieving" inner city school might be classified as "less fortunate" if you judge by material or environmental standards alone. But, evaluate the same child on the basis of his ability to share, to create joy or to take responsibility for a younger sibling; and you discover great ability and astonishing human capital. The principle works the same for everyone you meet: successful business person, beggar at a busy intersection or homemaker driving the neighborhood carpool. Everyone possesses unique human wealth. Look for it. Decide not to settle for the stereotypical quick glance.
What can be done to make the new year happier or better for all of us?
- Use your own human capital to demonstrate and to express love to others. Start at home. Work out from where you live. Your mate and your children deserve first portion. As you work at love, remember: love means action, not just sentiment. Allow love to flow from your life into your part of the world. Genuine spirituality always involves concrete acts of loving kindness. Draw your loved ones into the process of expressing love in a world of pain and isolation. Act decisively and selflessly for others. Give twice as much as you take. Resist racism, classism and every form of hatred.
- Get in touch with your heart. Try to move out of your head when talking with those closest to you, as well as to enemies. I retreat to my mind and to my thoughts when I feel unsafe or threatened. Bad decision. My feelings often provide a better measure of reality than the defensive, self-justifying world of my mind. When I move out of my head and into my heart as I communicate with others, often I find that barriers fall quickly. What works with my wife, also turns out to be very effective with apparent adversaries. Admit your fear. Confess your anger. Acknowledge your passion. Own up to your love. Communicate your feelings. The world will be better.
- Take a walk. Get outside. Jog. Make the serious commitment to begin working out on a regular basis. Walk five days a week in a local mall. Join a health club. Take an after-dinner stroll with someone you enjoy. Lift weights. Play pickup basketball at a Boys and Girls Club. Recognize and do not neglect the powerful connection between body and soul.
- Meditate/pray. There is more to life than what you see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. As you move out into the beauty of the world, decide to move in as well to touch your own soul and the Soul behind and beyond the physical limits of this world. You’ll discover that your own sense of awe and wonder will grow.
Find joy in your journey. And by the way, Happy New Year!
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