Brett Butler and his wife Evelyn sensed there was something wrong. Their doctor drove to their home to tell them the results of some medical tests that had been run on Brett. Brett played for the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team as an outfielder and lead-off hitter. His tests showed that he had cancer of the tonsils.
The doctor said that when he told this family, he was amazed at the absolute calm they had when he gave them the life shattering news. He observed, There is something that guides this family other than the common, everyday values we all live by.
Its a supernatural force. Both Brett and Evelyn are believers in Jesus Christ. They trust that God has a plan for their lives. Now they admit they are afraid sometimes, but they depend upon prayer and the word of God to help them get through difficult times. Brett said he was brought to a point of peace after a time of prayer with his family. Long before he knew his cancer would go into remission, Brett made a commitment that regardless of what happened in his recovery, he would trust God with his future. I hope you feel the same way because of the same faith!
Editors noteBrett Butler came back from cancer and finished his baseball as an outfielder and lead-off hitter for the Dodgers with his usual flair. The prognosis is good after a challenging recovery. Please keep Brett Buttler and Randy Becton, along with others who are in remission with cancer in your prayers. Phil
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