Saints believe in people, and treasure them all.
How to Live Like a Saint
Perhaps history is always divided into Romans and Catholicsor, better churches. The Romans are the rich and powerful who run things their way and must always accrue more because they instinctively believe that there will never be enough to go around; the Catholics, as their name implies, are universalists who instinctively believe that all humanity makes one family, that every human being is an equal child of God, and that God will provide. The twenty-first century will be spiritual or it will not be. If our civilization is to be saved, if we are to be saved, it will not be by Romans but by saints."
From Thomas Cahills How the Irish Saved Civilization (pages 217-218)
If Thomas Cahill is correct, and it is difficult to refute the case he builds, you and I need to pursue sainthood. But, how? More importantly, what will saints look like today? Consider these preliminary sketches of the life profile of twenty-first century saints.
- Saints value people above product, profit, progress or position.
- Saints work hard to know and to understand whats inside a person at the gut level, rather than passing speedy judgments on the basis of purely external considerations.
- In leadership positions saints serve others, especially those they seek to lead.
- When responding to the leadership of others, saints work hard and faithfully with a view to a higher authority.
- Saints always find time for children.
- Saints feel responsible for making things better for everyone.
- Saints find ways to learn from everyone and every situation.
- Saints are slow to offer solutions or answers, but always show up when its time to work.
- Saints choose to stand last in line at the company buffet.
- Saints believe in people, and treasure them all.
- Saints forgive, forget and dont hold on to grudges.
- Saints are honest, except when it comes to the failure of others, then they are silent.
- Saints find it hard to give up on people, relationships or hope.
- Saints know this life cannot be all there is.
Why not try writing your own profiles? When youre done, fax your list to us at 214-824-5355.